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Радмила Лазић, једна од најзначајнијих савремених српских песникиња, рођена је у Крушевцу децембра године. Од своје десете године живи у Београду, а поезију објављује од двадесете године. поред поезије, пише есеје, кратку прозу и публицистичке текстове.

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Walter Benjamin; Walter Benjamin Gimė m. liepos 15 d. Berlynas, Vokietijos imperija: Mirė m. rugsėjo 27 d. (48 metai) Portbou, Katalonija, Ispanija: Veikla.

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View the profiles of people named Rabia Amin. Join Facebook to connect with Rabia Amin and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share.

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Râu ngô trên hoa ngô Râu ngô trên quả ngô đang phát triển. Râu ngô (râu bắp) là tên gọi chung của các sợi mỏng, sáng như tơ, phát triển như một phần của quả ngô (); búi hoặc tua của các sợi mượt nhô ra từ chóp quả ngô.

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Raghuraj Pratap Singh (Raja Bhaiya) Biography in Hindi | रघुराज प्रताप सिंह (राजा भैया) जीवन परिचय.

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Satran, Pamela Redmond – PERSONAL: Surname is pronounced Satt-ren; born April 10, , in New York, NY; daughter of Joseph Paul (a police officer) and Margaret (Goudie) Redmond; married Dick Satran (front page editor of Reuters), November 7, ; children: Rory Elizabeth Margaret, Joe, Owen.

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Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (8. heinäkuuta – elokuuta ) oli sveitsiläissyntyinen psykiatri. Hän julkaisi kirjan Raportti kuolemisesta (), jossa hän esitteli kuoleman kohtaamisen tuottaman suruprosessin viisi vaihetta: kieltämisen, vihan, neuvottelun, masennuksen ja hyväksymisen.

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American Gods () is a fantasy novel by British author Neil novel is a blend of Americana, fantasy, and various strands of ancient and modern mythology, all centering on the mysterious and taciturn Shadow.

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From New York Times culture reporter Dave Itzkoff, the definitive biography of Robin Williams – a compelling portrait of one of America’s most beloved and misunderstood entertainers. From his rapid-fire stand-up comedy riffs to his breakout role in Mork & Mindy and his Academy Award-winning performance in Good Will Hunting, Robin Williams.

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Bruce is 60 years old. She was born on April 25, , in Singapore, Malaysia, and Asia. In addition, she celebrates her birthday on April 25 and her zodiac sign is Taurus. She is of white ethnicity and holds a British nationality. Bruce stands at an average height of 5 feet 8 inches and weighs 60 kg equivalent to lbs.